About the Chaos & Contacting Chaos

About the Chaos...

The speed of life, is chaos in motion & I try to use that chaos to my advantage by attempting to capture the emotions in in any situation I am shooting.  I don't take pictures...I capture the emotions and feelings...

Photographically, things have changed, everyone is carrying a camera, right in their pocket, and on occasion it'll even make a phone call, and some of them are actually pretty amazingly capable cameras!  That has made photography an everyday sport for millions of people around the world.  But that isn't photography, it's taking snapshots of your life, capturing memories and recording them, and there is nothing wrong with that.

It has given us the ability to have those moments to remember in amounts we never dreamed of.  BUT, those are snapshots...I capture emotions and feelings in the actions and motions of people and objects, through a trained eye for composition and years of practice at reading people, situations and life flows.  When I am focused on a subject, I am in tune with the subjects context and their/its intent in any given moment and situation.  I want to be able to look back at a shot and feel the emotion and setting, understand what that person was dealing with or that object and it's placement were trying to convey.  Photography is more than pointing a camera, its using our abilities as humans to empathize in the situations around us, and be a recorder of those emotions...

Capture Moments...Capture Life...CAPTURE CHAOS!!!!!

Gill Thompson


Reach the Chaos at Gill@ImagesbyChaos.com or by completing the form below.

Contact the Chaos!!!